In Our Neck of the Woods, Eh?

Whoa, dude... it's been a while.

Sorry for lack of updates! Doodle got sick, so we've been working on getting her well the past couple of weeks. Not much else to report, other than that the babies are getting bigger and bigger!

If you ever want to know how fast baby turkeys grow, here's a snap shot time lapse of the past three weeks:

Wooo, so much space in the new brooder!

Okay, less space...


Needless to say, we're going to be getting a full size run up and ready for them here shortly. We just need to pick a design that will take these guys through the winter and won't break the bank! Wish us luck! In the mean time, we take the little guys and Doodle out for walks so they don't feel so cramped all the time!

Speaking of bigger, that lump on under her snood has gotten bigger too....

Yeeeuurrggh, not pretty, Doodle. We gotta get that swelling down.


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